In the ever-expanding world of alternative medicine, ear seeding has emerged as a fascinating and effective method for promoting overall wellness. But what exactly is ear seeding, and why is it gaining popularity among wellness enthusiasts and seekers of alternative...
Intramuscular stimulation (IMS or Dry Needling) and acupuncture stand out as prominent therapies for pain and musculoskeletal conditions in alternative medicine. Both involve the insertion of needles, yet they stem from entirely different philosophies and target...
Bursitis is a condition that doesn’t discriminate. Whether you’re an athlete pushing your body to its limits, part of our wiser elderly population experiencing the trials of age, or simply someone going about their daily life, the risk of encountering...
Spring is in the air, and with it comes the blossoming of our favourite flowers, the greening of the trees, and, for many of us, a less welcome arrival—the season of allergies. You’re not alone if you find yourself amidst a chorus of sneezes, itchy eyes, and...
Fertility can be a complex and deeply personal matter for many women. While the road to conception can be straightforward for some, others may face a labyrinth of challenges. For those seeking alternative pathways to pregnancy, holistic fertility treatments offer...
British Columbia regulates Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) as an official professional practice. Similarly, the country widely accepts Western medicine as a conventional healthcare approach. While both practices aim to deliver effective patient care, there are...
As individuals seek alternative and natural ways to approach their health concerns, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and naturopathic medicine have emerged as popular options. These approaches emphasize natural therapies and the body’s innate ability to heal...
Emotions are mental stimuli which influence our effective life. Under normal circumstances, they are not a cause of disease. Hardly any human being can avoid being angry, sad, aggrieved, worried, of afraid at some time in his of her life.  For example, the death of...