Intramuscular stimulation (IMS or Dry Needling) and acupuncture stand out as prominent therapies for pain and musculoskeletal conditions in alternative medicine. Both involve the insertion of needles, yet they stem from entirely different philosophies and target...
Sciatica! It sends shivers down your spine quite literally. If you’re wincing from pain that shoots through your lower back down to your legs, you may be one of many grappling with this common culprit of agony. But what exactly is sciatica, and how can you...
Discover Your Body’s Vibrant City: The Gut Microbiome Think of your body as a city teeming with life. Your body houses trillions of tiny inhabitants that play a massive role in how you think, feel, and fight off sickness. We’re talking about your gut...
Migraine sufferers know the drill all too well – pounding headache, sensitivity to light, and the overwhelming desire to retreat to a dark, quiet room. But what if there were a gentle, non-invasive therapy poised to complement your pain management routine? Enter...
The Seven Pillars of Total Wellness: A Holistic Approach to Your Well-Being In the bustling rhythm of modern life, we often focus on one aspect of health while neglecting others. Wellness is frequently mentioned in passing as if it’s a state we stumble upon rather...
Are you trying to push past the pain hidden in the shadows of your past trauma or current stress? Are you also struggling with physical pain? At Newleaf Total Wellness Centre, we understand that emotional turmoil doesn’t just leave scars on your mind; it...
When it comes to receiving a massage, the experience should be therapeutic and rejuvenating. Massage therapy is a harmonious blend of professional care and personal comfort. At Newleaf Total Wellness Centre, your well-being is our priority. There are several things...
Many patients I see suffer from neck and shoulder pain. It turns out a surprisingly large number of them also have frequent headaches. Sometimes they are very dull and in the background and other times it feels like someone is playing drums on their head. When their...
Avoid the Pitfalls of Poor Posture By Dr. Rav Nagra, DC Have you ever heard of something called Postural Syndrome? Chances are you’re suffering from it and don’t even realize it. I often treat patients with pain directly related to posture and many have just gotten...