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If you’re reading this, chances are you’ve encountered the frustrating plateau that often accompanies the road to recovery. As an ICBC client or someone who’s experienced injury, you know all too well that healing is not always linear. Despite following medical advice, sometimes progress just stalls. But why does this happen, and more importantly, what can be done to overcome a setback in your injury recovery? This blog post will address these crucial questions and offer actionable strategies to help you overcome injury setbacks.

Therapist assessing patient's injury.

Find a Therapist You Trust to Help Overcome a Setback in Your Injury Recovery

One of the cornerstones of effective recovery is working with a healthcare provider you trust. A strong patient-therapist relationship leads to better engagement, more meaningful therapy sessions, and, ultimately, improved outcomes. If your recovery has plateaued, evaluate your partnership with your therapist.

Do you feel heard and understood during your sessions? Is your therapist attentive to your concerns and adjusting treatments accordingly? Trust is essential—don’t hesitate to seek a second opinion or find a new therapist if it doesn’t feel right. Remember, this is about your healing, and you deserve a guide who resonates with your recovery goals.

Overcome a Setback by Attending Your Appointments

It’s not uncommon for life to get in the way of recovery. Missed appointments, however, may be the culprit behind a stalled recovery process. Consistency is vital when it comes to rehabilitation and healing. Each session builds upon the last; skipping appointments can disrupt this progression.

Recommit to attending all scheduled appointments or discuss with your therapist a suitable schedule that accommodates any constraints you might have. Being proactive and reliable with your presence can play a significant role in getting your recovery back on track.

Woman checking in to her appointment to discuss how to overcome her injury setback.

Attending your scheduled appointments to avoid setbacks

Be an Equal Partner in Your Recovery

Recovery is a two-way street; it requires the expertise of your therapist and your active participation. To regain momentum, adopt the mindset of an equal partner in your treatment. Be candid with your therapist about pain levels, discomfort, or concerns. Provide feedback on what’s working and what isn’t. The more information you share, the more your therapist can tailor the recovery plan to fit your specific needs.

Empower yourself by asking questions and understanding the rationale behind each aspect of your treatment. When you know the ‘why’ behind each exercise or recommendation, it likely becomes more meaningful and integral to your routine.

A patient speaking with a therapist about how to overcome her injury setback.

The therapist/patient relationship is crucial to overcome injury setbacks.

Do Your Homework to Overcome Injury Setbacks

Often, recovery extends beyond the confines of the therapist’s office. “Homework,” such as exercises, stretches, or lifestyle changes, is frequently prescribed to complement in-clinic treatment. If you’ve become lax with your at-home program, now is the time to reinvigorate your commitment.

Implement strategies to ensure you do the work: set reminders, create a dedicated exercise space, or find a recovery buddy to keep you accountable. Your diligence with these tasks can dramatically influence the speed and effectiveness of your recovery.


Setbacks in recovery can be discouraging, but identifying the reasons behind stalled progress is the first step toward regaining momentum. By fostering a trustworthy relationship with your therapist, attending all your appointments, becoming an active participant, and diligently doing your prescribed “homework,” you’re paving the pathway to your successful recovery.

Your commitment to these strategies rallies you back to health. It equips you with resilience and a proactive approach to healing. Remember, your recovery is a personal journey, and you hold significant power in influencing its direction and destination.

Still have questions? Visit our learning centre for more answers to common questions or book an initial assessment with one of our physiotherapists.

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