Acupuncture, Acupuncture, Acupuncturists, Blog, Neuro Integration System Therapy (NIS), NIS, NIS Blog, Our Team, Services, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
I often get asked “how is NIS different from Acupuncture and/or Neurofeedback therapy?” However, to answer this question let’s first look at how each modality works. Acupuncture can be explained as “a technique for balancing the flow of energy — known as qi or chi...
Acupuncturists, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
Richard practices TCM and offers Acupuncture, Cupping, Acupressure and Massage. He holds his Acupuncture and Herbology Diplomas from the Traditional Chinese Medicine College of Vancouver. He has also studied in China at PengShang Hospital in GaungXi. TCM can help our awareness of balance and change, in order to achieve and sustain harmony, vitality and longevity.