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Hard emotions can feel like a storm that appears out of nowhere. One minute, you’re going about your day, and the next, you’re overwhelmed by feelings of anger, sadness, or anxiety. While pushing them away is tempting, the key to emotional wellness is acknowledging and processing these emotions. Let’s explore how to approach these feelings with compassion and understanding so they can pass without leaving a lasting impact.

1. Engage with Your Feelings

The first step in managing hard emotions is to engage with them fully. This doesn’t mean letting them take over your life but acknowledging their presence. You create a space where healing can begin by allowing yourself to feel without judgment. Remember, emotions are transient—they will pass.

A woman thinking about the story behind her emotions

2. Get Curious About the Story

Every emotion has a story. When a feeling arises, instead of immediately reacting, pause and ask yourself, “What is this about?” Understanding the origin of your emotions can provide valuable insights into your triggers and patterns.

3. Write it Down

Journaling is a powerful tool for processing emotions. Write down your feelings and why you think you’re feeling that way. This practice helps clarify your thoughts and allows you to see your feelings from a different perspective.

person journaling hard emotions

4. Dig In

  1. What Are the Facts, and What Are My Assumptions?

Separate facts from assumptions. Often, our emotions are tied to stories we’ve created in our minds. By identifying the truth, you can reduce the intensity of your emotional response.

  1. What Do I Need to Know About the Others Involved?

Consider the role of others in your emotional landscape. Understanding their perspectives may shift your view and help alleviate some of the feelings you’re experiencing.

  1. What Am I Really Feeling? What Part Did I Play?

Dig deeper into your emotions. Are you truly angry, or is there underlying sadness or fear? Recognizing the source of your feelings can be liberating. Reflect on your actions and consider how they may have affected the situation.

5. Regulate, Don’t Suppress

Emotion regulation is about managing your feelings, not suppressing them. Techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, and physical activity can help you stabilize your mood. These practices enable you to respond to emotions healthily and productively.

mother teaching child how to regulate emotions through mindfulness

6. Work with a Helping Professional

If your emotions feel overwhelming and difficult to manage on your own, consider seeking support from a professional. Therapists and counsellors can provide a safe space to explore your feelings and develop effective strategies for dealing with them.

In conclusion, remember that hard emotions are part of being human. They do not define you, nor do they have to control your life. By adopting a mindful approach to your feelings, you’ll find they pass quickly, making you stronger and more resilient. If you’re ready to take the next step towards emotional wellness, consider booking an appointment with a helping professional who can help guide you.

Written by: DeVera Nybo, MBA, CEO/ Owner Newleaf Total Wellness Centre

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